Friday 31 July 2009

Keep going

Had U/S today , one Folli on the left side . My Doc told me to keep trying and if no luck (fat chance) start new Meds next cycle .

Thursday 30 July 2009

Gyno tomorrow

Still hoping that I get the go ahed for this cycle , I won't do it if Doc tells me the risk is to big but if he can do something to stablis my Hormones , I will go for it .
Best case would be if I shouldn't that there is none on the good side .

Tuesday 28 July 2009

More Blood tests

More Bloodtests

Got my Blood results back , not sure if I should laugh or cry . My Doc thinks he found the reason why I don't get pregnant and keep having M/C if I do .
It's something called secondary Hyperparathyroidism ( got a copy of the results other wise I would never remembert the name ) meaning my Vit D levels are super super low and my Parathyroid is super high .
And malabsorption Syndrom , my body can't get the Nutirents or not enough of them out of food.
Need to see a Specialist and most likley will have a gastroscopy , he said it might be a wheat intolerantz . And higly likley the reason why I don't get pregnant .

I see the Doc on the 1th of September , not sure what's gonna happen with this Clomid cycle , if there is a chance that if I get pregnant I will lose it again , because my Body can't support the pregnancy , I don't want to try .

So where does that leave me now ? On one hand I am so happy that I might found the reason why I have trouble and on the other hand I still keep thinking , let's try this month again and see what happens .

If I wait it will be till September , 2 Cycyles , and hopefully before the year is out I will be pregnant .

Saturday 18 July 2009


getting tiered of all of things TTC , Af is due next week and I feel so uuugh . I really thought I would have a chance this cycle but now I feel just out . And then I think maybe AF will not come and I get a BFP . Just so confused about it all