Tuesday 25 September 2012

Nearly 1

Abbie is nearly 1 years old , hard to believe , she is still so little .
Miss Maus got tooth # 5 coming through , she is standing holding on to things and is walking along sofas or her walker .
Bit of a picky eater , still has 3 bottles a day with her meals , has a nap for 2 hours during the day .
Is waving and saying bye bye , no and Mama & Daddy , loves to play with her Brother and things that she shouldn't .
We have cuddles after breakfast every morning till Ben wakes up and before she does to sleep .
I am so in love with her , I can't stop kissing and cuddeling her , luckiely she is happy to get kisses .

Ben is nearly 2 1/2 years old , my little Boy is getting so big .
Sometimes I look at him and I can't believe how tall he is , how smart and how well he is talking .
What happend to my Baby ? He is playing outside every day with his Friends , eats pretty much anything and he is talking so much ( and u can understand him )
I think he is ready to go to kindergarten , when we are in Toddlergroup , he doesn't bother with me at all , goes off and plays with the Kids , sits down for snack time and craft time and is rather upset when it's time to go home .

I love being a Mama of 2 , I do wish we could make it three but DH is really against it . I know I keep going on about that but it plays on my mind . Before Ben and Abbie when I seen somebody wishing for # 2 or 3 I always thought , come on u already have a child , be happy with that . My wish is stronger than urs , I don't have any yet but it's diffrent now . I know what it feels like to hold ur newborn , how it feels like to feel ur baby move in you .

I want to feel that again , I want to raise another child but I could never trick my DH , I want him to be excited too , not resentful .

And right now I should concentrate on getting healthier ( aka slim down ) , wait to hera the Pap test results and see what is happening with DH muscle Biopsy .

Wednesday 19 September 2012

That Autum Feeling

If you ask me which is my favourite Season , I would say Christmas . But latley I starting to love Autum , the weather is nice , it's Abbie's first Birthday in October , Halloween is coming and the Food is getting richer again ( Stew , Soup and Roasts yummy )

There is so much I want to do with Ben , collecting Leaves , decorate Pumpkins and make Costumes ( he will be Thomas the Tank Engine ) .
Spend the last warm Days outside , playing and bbqing with Friends

Abbie is getting so big , she started to pull herself up and tries to take a few steps , while holding on to her toys . She waves byebye and hello and even says Byebye and Hi .
She loves her big Brothers toys ( Trains , Cars and his books ) , DH and I always said we wouldn't spoil our Kids , that went out a long time ago . Now we say that it wil stop once they excepting toys and sweets , if it became the norm . So far when we say no , he mostly excepts it .

Getting excited to move next year , so much to do before though , Abbie's Passport , get the Cats ready for moveing and there is a lot DH will have to do , like apply for the new place .

And now Baby Spam