Tuesday 31 August 2010

Is there Life after TTC ?

OLD PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I love being a Mama , don't get me wrong , I love my little boy more than anything in the World . So happy and blessed to have him , so why do I feel the little niggel that makes me want to get some OPKs and see what happens ?????

I know I need to wait a year before starting to even think about another baby , but seeing my Online Friends with their BFP and reading about their O-dates , make me want to start again .

Which is crazy because it drove me nuts , sad and aparently I was soooo obcessed with it that my Honey was close to wanting to stop . I'm not sure if I want to start again because I want another Baby RIGHT NOW or is it because it's been a part of my life for so long that (now my Bump is gone and Ben is here ) I don't know how else to live .

My Honey is ready for another one and I would love to give Ben a little Sister or Brother but I know that now is not the right time , so I guess for now I will just keep checking what my Body is doing without doing anything about it :)

Thursday 26 August 2010

I did it !

Scrapbooking that is LOL

I looved to scrap but since little Man is here , I didn't really have the time . And if I took time out during the day , I felt incredibly guilty for not spending time with my Baby .

So a few nights ago I had the urgde to be creativ again and voila this was the result .
There might be more artistic pages or more creativ pages but this page is filled with so much love that it doesn't mather , not the wonkey writing , the not really matching colours . All that mather is the story behind it and catching that moment .

On another note my Boy rolled over for the first time yesterday !!!!!!!!!!!
He is not a big fan of tummy time and does not roll over from his front for love or money ...but when he was on his back yesterday and couldn't reach his toy , he just rolled right over on his tummy to get to it . Cue me being a super proud Mama :)

Thursday 19 August 2010

How Life is now

Right this moment as I'm updating my Blog , Ben is in his Nursery sleeping , which I will be doing soon too .
I'm could try and fit into words how wonderful it is to be a Mama but I know that no words would come even close . I love every minute off it , even getting up in the middle of the night and feeling soooo tiered , walking to his bed and looking down at him and he just smiles at me , makes it all worth it .
DH is really good with him , the first thing when he gets home is always Babycuddles , he takes him when I need a break .

It is much easier now that he is sleeping through the night , I know how long he goes beween bottles and we allready had a few outings with him too .

I love how much he has changed and everyday he does something new , I love watching him grow a little bit each day .

Looking back at the pregnancy pictures and the U/S pictures , I remember the excitment and wonder of how my stomach got bigger and when I felt him move . And now I can hold him in my arms ... I am very blessed and lucky to be a Mama .

I wish that all the women who are TTC will get their wish
I thought I should update my blog after month has passed and Ben is now nearly 4 month old , somehow it feels like he has been with us for a lot longer but time just seems to fly by .

3 Month old

My little Men had a exciting month , we spend a week at my Parents , who looooved spending time with their Grandson . And so did his Cousins , when he gets older , I need to be careful that his head won't get to big with all this talk about how clever and cute he is :) .

I stoped Breastfeading , it was a hard decision to make but it is the best for Ben . Now he put on over 500g in just over a week , so I know it was the right thing to do .
He alredy had 2 of his 3 immunisations and no sideeffects , maybe a bit more sleepy during the next 2 days .

He started waking up only once during the night and we got a good nighttime routine down , the 3 B's ... bath , bottle & bed LOL

Ben spends most of his time in his bouncy playing with his toys , he is very
alert and interested in people ( he stares at them first and then just smiles )

3 1/2 Month
Started him on some Baby rice in the evenings and now he is sleeping through YAY

2 Month old

Having some trouble breatfeeding , after a while my nipples started cracking and bleeding , thank God for nipple shields . Midwife visits stoped and now the Healthvisitor took over . Ben is nearly back up to his Birthweight but I'm getting concerend that he is not gaining enough .
All his newborn clothes are to small now , my little men is quite long and skinny .
It was super hot so most of the time he spend in his onies or just a nappy , too hot to do much .
He is awake a lot longer and I'm trying to get him into some kind of routine

1 Month old

After staying a week in the Hospital , I was quite nervous to go back home , DH &I would be on our own caring for Ben . Sure the Midwifes would come and check in but not like the Hospital where I could call and somebody would show up in minutes LOL

DH was wonderful , taking care of me and Ben , since I was not aloud to do much yet . I spend the most time with Ben on my Boobs feeding , had quite a few visitors and everybody fell in love with him .
The first Bath with his Daddy holding him and his first time out ( he was asleep for most of the time ) where this month millestones . Finding my feed as a new Mama , when DH went back to work ( "I'm only a phone call away if u need me ") and taking naps whenever I could .