Sunday 22 July 2012

Good and Bad Times

Ok let's start with the good
~ holding my Baby Girl when she is asleep , it just feels so right when she is in my arms , she is a part of me
~ Baby Boy sitting next to me while we are eating , it always amazes me how grown up he is ( he is two but anyways u know what I mean ) , looking at his profile fills me with love

the bad
~ I wish my DH would get what makes me so angry with him , just help me out without me having to tell u every single time , it didn't change from yesterday and tomorrow it will still be the done the same way .
It's routine , it's boring but JUST DO IT .
Why is it that Men need instructions for everything , emptying the bins , washing up uuugh
Sundays used to be so nice , now it's a day where I have to do everything I do during the week but with DH under my feet too , unless I say do this , do that he won't.
I should have looked for a Husband who helps but hey I do love mine , good thing too , that way will ensure him staying 6 feet over ground some days .

Saturday 21 July 2012

I am so lazy

I should start doing what i always say I will do , post more !

Stats on Ben & Abbie 

Age : Ben 2 Years 2 Month , Abbie 9 Month 

Weight & Height : Absolutely no Idea , I keep meaning to weigh and measser them but never get around to do it 

New Skills : Ben is talking A LOT ( German & English ) Abbie is zombie crawling 

What else is new ? New House but only till January , we are moving back to Germany YAY . I do like Italy most days but going back to a place where I can speak the language is great ( not to mention my Family ) 
The new House is cosy ... read small ... but we seen that as an opportunity to get rid of stuff , well me at least . DH is dragging his feet and some of the dead Hobbies are still hanging around ( Guitar , Telescope , Language sets , Drawing board , Golf Clubs etc ) and Computer parts . 

My pet peeve , I look through my stuff and bin most of it , DH looks through his and move it to another box . I wish I could go through it , trust me it would all fit in one box . 

So what's new with you ? 
A little while ago on TWW one women posted a pee stick , my friend said she didn't see anything and the following of that women started bitching about my friend . 
On our DD group we talked about it the comments and the condition of that women and one of my so called "Friends " said we were all fucked up and should stop saying nasty thing . 
What nasty things u ask ? No idea but apparently we been spreading rumours and lies about this person and our "good Friend " took it upon herself to tell that person . 

Yours truly and the rest of my group got called every name in the book , we are just jealous and should rethink having children . ... nice . 
I tried to tell the story to the person but she choose to not believe me , after one post saying how she is gonna be more positive , she started again with how horrible we all are .

My response ? I deleted that blog from my reading list , let her believe what she wants . Why on earth do I care so much about this , I didn't say anything mean , they don't know me personally . 
But they kinda attacked my children and that shit doesn't fly ! 
I'm not the bad person here , I don't call them names or wish them harm but they did . Do I believe in  Karma , I do now