Monday 12 March 2012

Ben 22 Month & Abbie 5 Month

Summer is nearly here , it's getting warmer and the Rain has stopped . Which means new Wardrobe for 2 Kids , SHOPPING YAY .

If anybody would have told me 3 Years ago I would have 2 Kids , I probably would be in tears and screaming at them to stop taunting me .
Infertility is something that I can't forget , the pain and heartbreak sticks to me like glue . There are still moments when I can't believe they are my Children and then I hold them close and kiss them ( Ben is not a big Kisser but Abbie loves giving sloppy Baby kisses )
Don't know why I got so lucky but I did and I'm grateful .... which doesn't mean that sometimes they don't drive me crazy ;)

Ben is talking a lot now and we have to be very careful what we say around him , today he turned around to hid Daddy and said " Ok already " after he got told to stop playing with Daddy's tools . Every Cat is Tessie or Kätzchen , Donkeys , Horses and Giraffes are Aih and car journeys have a running comentary of Car Car Truck Car , sometimes Copter ( helicopter )

Abbie is starting to get solids now , Banana is ok but Rice Cerial is Devils food and has to be spit out at once . Still not rolling over but she can get to where she wants on her back doing a worm motion ( I think it would be a lot easier on her tummy but what does Mama know , right )

I changed my Diet and started doing excersice , this year will be the year I lose the extra weight for the last time . It feels like a now or never , I don't want to leave Italy looking like I came here . I want to look and feel better , not like last summer so fat and swollen and sweating so badly . Even though I didn't put on much weight during the Pregnancy the weight that was already there made it harder on me . And I want to wear cute clothes !