Wednesday 17 November 2010

The first Tooth !

For a while now Ben has been drooling like crazy and I mean really bad , went through 3 or more tops and Bibs during one day . This morning he grabed my finger to have a chew , I felt a sharp point on his bottom gums and there it was the top of his first tooth .

He was not fuzzy or screaming while he was teething , so hopefully it will continue this way . I have the best Baby in the world , he sleeps through the night , eats without a fuss and now the theeting , makes me wonder if it will change when he is older . Good Baby = terrible toddler ?

For the first time in ages I feel happy , no depressions to cloud my day , there is always the fear that they will come back . It's the time of the year when I normaly felt down but so far so good .

I read back some of my posts and I don't always reconise myself in them , like I was a diffrent person when I was pregnant . Must have been the Hormones that made me feel better but then again not all the time .

Wednesday 10 November 2010

27 Weeks

The six month mark came and went and I was to busy or lazy , depending on the way u look at it , so now here we are nearly 7 month old .

Ben is trying to sit by himself now , mostly leaning on one arm to support himself and still trying to figure out how to get to the really interessting looking things that ar just out of reach . For now he is doing the airplane , arms streched out and legs kicking like crazy just not on the floor , so no crawling yet .

He loves his food , he now get's a a hole portion for lunch and his Baby cerial before Bedtime and he sleepes through the night now , a full 12 hours