Friday 26 February 2010

31 Weeks

When Steve took this Picture of me , I was soooo shocked , I did not think I was that big . Looks a lot smaller when u look down on my bump
Now I get why people say that Ben is gonna be a big baby LOL

Next week I got a U/S and finaly get to see Ben again (it's been nearly 3 month ) and hopefuly they can give me a estimate on how big is is gonna get .
At my M/W check up at 30 weeks , my tummy meassured 33 weeks , which ment my Midwife started talking about C-section and stuff .
Still hoping that it won't come to that and that I can have a natural med free (I must be crazy) birth .
Reading Ina May guide to childbirth at the moment and loving every minute of it , I wish I could go and have Ben with one of those Midwifes , in a Birthing house instead a Hospital .

Which reminds me I really need to put my name down to go and see the L&D ward in Hannover

Saturday 13 February 2010

Parents Education Class

And Steve had to work , so I went on my own , apart from me there where 3 more without Partner there and about 15 with .
I was really interesting , about Pain relief when to go to the Hospital and what happens after .

First my Plan was to get a walking epi BUT aparently it's either the full one or nothing . I think I will try the birth pool and no epi and see how it goes , there us always the option to get one if I really can't take it anymore .

And I will definitely breastfeed and later on pump so My Honey can help and share ( which I think he is looking forward to )

Only 10 and a bit weeks to go , and nothing is ready or washed and loads to still get , wonder when my nesting will kick in .

Tuesday 9 February 2010

29 Weeks

I couldn't wait any longer and called my Midwife , THE TEST CAME BACK NORMAL YAY No gestational diabetes !!!!
Next check up is next week , I wonder if I still gonna measure bigger then .

Spend the weekend with my Family , who hasn't seem me for like a month , they were quite surprised at how I looked . I had the feeling that I might have lost some weight but because DH see's me everyday , he didn't noticed .
But when all I got told how much thinner my Face and rest of my Body looked I was quite pleased . I love my Bump and the fact that u can really tell that there is a baby in there , I always walk with it proudly on display .
Took me years to get to here and I will enjoy every minute of it !

Thursday 4 February 2010

28 Weeks , Midwife check up

Had my M/W check up and Glucose Test . The test was better than I thought , the stuff I had to drink didn't really taste of anything . Just the consitensi was horrible , really thick like Syrup and sweet .
So I had my blood taken and now gotta wait till I hear from them : ( , I decidet I will call if I didn't hear anything by Tuesday . It does play on my mind and I really hope that I don't have Diabetes .

My Bloodpressure was fine and no protein in my Urin , HB was strong and when he had enough of the proding he kicked to get it to move .

AND when she measured my Bump , I measured 2 weeks ahead OMG
So that's why everybody keeps telling me that Ben is a big Baby
Now only hoping that it's not down to Gestational diabetes , only a big Baby