Tuesday 10 January 2012

Abbie @ 14 Weeks and Ben @ 20 Month , my life as a Mama of 2 under 2

Well so far so good , Abbie is having one Nightfeed and most nights she is sleeping through and has her feed between 5 - 6 am , after we go to sleep all snuggeled up . Love it !

Ben is talking up a storm , we have to be so careful what we say in front of him , he is repeating EVERYTHING . Still loves his Books and Trains , Cars and tormenting the Cats .
He is such a good Eater and will try anything .

DH and I are getting so snippy , he says it's tieredness , I think if we tried harder we would stop bitting each others heads off . I will do my best not to take everything he says like critisism and just tune out when he starts his whinging . One would think it's my Toddler is the problem but no it's my Husband maybe the second childhood or it's this place .

We need to move again and I'm so feed up with it all , no Idea when or where we are moving , maybe he is getting promoted and that would mean moving to another Country or he could be getting made redundant and then we would be moving into our House .
AND the bummer is there is nothing I can do but wait and see what happens , I HATE WAITING !!!!