Friday 11 December 2009

Team Blue

Had my U/S yesterday , first we had to wait over an Hour , got told it might take some time but there was only one person in front of me and soembody else who didn't have a appiontment .

When we walked in to the room and I lay down , I was getting nervous again
What if something is wrong with Baby ? Is it really a Boy ? Is it still alive ?
The M/C last year was on my mind and I was holding my breath when she put the little handheld thingy on my belly .

And there Baby was lying still for once (probably sleeping) and the little heart beating away . She started measuring the brain , the back , kidneys and legs , when she started on the heart but couldn't get a good look . So on she went to the arm and because Baby was lying on its side , she started to shake my belly with the thingy to make it move , which it did and back to the heart to get a better look .

By then she was pushing and jiggeling to make baby turn but it's a stuporn little person , so I had to get up and run up and down stairs , jump around to get it to turn . To no avail , no mather what Baby was not turning .

Doc got some more messurments she needed bt not the heart and no 3d face shot , but after my little talk with baby , telling it if somebody prodes the belly to open it's legs , it did IT'S A BOY

The first in my Family and the first in DH family since he was born .
Everything looked fine and only have to go back to take another look at the heart if my Ob wants me too ,which I don't really mind at all ; )


  1. Congratulations on your son sweet Meike!!! I am so thrilled for you and hubby as I know you both have waited a long time after so much heartbreak and tears, now it is time to be filled with much joy!!!

    Blessings and love,

    Unique 2WW ;)
